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Air Fryer Steak

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Air Fryer Steak

Juicy, deeply crusted, perfectly cooked steak in under 10 minutes for those days you don't have time or energy. Is there anything better than a good steak to improve your day? There are so many great ways to cook steak, and now there’s one more. For those days when you don’t have time and energy, air fryer steak is the perfect answer.

Is there anything better than a good steak to improve your day? There are so many great ways to cook steak, and now there’s one more. For those days when you don’t have time and energy, air fryer steak is the perfect answer.

Or even when you do have energy, you’ll be surprised how good an air fryer steak can be.

Steak in an air fryer?

Why make steak in an air fryer when you have cast iron, reverse seared, or flame grilled steak? While all of those are excellent ways to make steak, an air fryer can have your steaks from raw to less raw (aka, perfectly cooked) in under 10 minutes, with almost zero cleanup. After a long work day, this seems way better to me than hand scrubbing a cast iron skillet with kosher salt or preheating your grill, oiling your grill, scrubbing your grill, etc.

How to get a good sear

Air frying with its fan and high-ish temps can replicate the same kind of sear you get on a grill or cast iron pan. The trick is getting the steak as close to the heating element as possible. For these photos, I used air fryer racks to lift the steaks right up to the heating element, and the resulting crust is pretty darn decent.

Air fryer racks

Air fryers are great, but air fryers with racks are a game changer. Racks allow you to lift the steaks up closer to the heating elements, cook more steaks at once, and prevent any weird grill patterns from the air fryer’s basket. You can use any racks that stack, and fit inside your air fryer. This is the one I’m using, but be sure to measure your air fryer and make sure the rack fits inside before buying.

Ideally you want to get your steak as close as possible to the heating element while leaving an inch of airspace to be sure nothing spontaneously combusts. Don’t walk away for the 7 minutes the steaks are cooking just in case.


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